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Accessing Redis Message Information with FastStream#

In FastStream, messages passed through a Redis broker are serialized and can be interacted with just like function parameters. However, you might occasionally need to access more than just the message content, such as metadata and other attributes.

Redis Message Access#

When dealing with Redis broker in FastStream, you can easily access message details by using the RedisMessage object which wraps the underlying message with additional context information. This object is specifically tailored for Redis and contains relevant message attributes:

  • body: Union[bytes, Any]
  • raw_message: Any
  • decoded_body: Optional[DecodedMessage]
  • headers: AnyDict
  • path: AnyDict
  • content_type: Optional[str]
  • reply_to: str
  • message_id: str
  • correlation_id: str
  • processed: bool
  • committed: bool

For instance, if you need to retrieve headers from an incoming Redis message, here’s how you might do it:

from faststream.redis import RedisMessage

async def stream_handler(msg: str, message: RedisMessage):

Targeted Message Fields Access#

It's common to require only specific elements of the message rather than the entire data structure. For this purpose, FastStream allows you to access individual message fields by specifying the field you are interested in as an argument in your handler function.

For example, if you want to access the headers directly, you might do it as follows:

from faststream import Context

async def stream_handler(
    msg: str,
    headers: AnyDict = Context("message.headers"),

The Context object lets you reference message attributes directly, making your handler functions neater and reducing the amount of boilerplate code needed.