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Dynamic Config with Nats#

As NATS has key-value storage, you can use it as a configuration storage solution. Here is an example of how to use it with FastStream.

Subscribing to Key-Value Changes#

To subscribe to key-value changes, you can use the KvWatch class. The key to watch must be passed as a parameter to the class, which corresponds to a key in the storage.

When a message is received, the global context can be updated with the new value.

from faststream import FastStream
from faststream.nats import NatsBroker, KvWatch

broker = NatsBroker()
app = FastStream(broker)

@broker.subscriber("create_sell", kv_watch=KvWatch("order_service"))
async def watch_kv_order_service(new_value: bool):
    app.context.set_global("create_sell", new_value)

Checking the Parameter in the Subscriber#

You can use faststream.Context to retrieve the parameter from the global context.

from faststream import FastStream, Context
from faststream.nats import NatsBroker, NatsMessage

broker = NatsBroker()
app = FastStream(broker)

async def handle_filled_buy(
    message: NatsMessage,
    create_sell: bool = Context("create_sell"),
    if create_sell:
        await broker.publish(b"", "order_service.order.create.sell")


The KeyValue watcher will receive the latest value on startup.

Full Example
from uuid import uuid4

from faststream import FastStream, Context
from faststream.nats import NatsMessage, NatsBroker, KvWatch

broker = NatsBroker()
app = FastStream(broker)

@broker.subscriber("create_sell", kv_watch=KvWatch("order_service"))
async def watch_kv_order_service(new_value: bool):
    app.context.set_global("create_sell", new_value)

async def handle_filled_buy(
    message: NatsMessage,
    create_sell: bool = Context("create_sell"),
    if create_sell:
        await broker.publish(b"", "order_service.order.create.sell")

async def handle_create_sell(message: NatsMessage): ...

async def on_startup():
    await broker.connect()

    order_service_kv = await broker.key_value("order_service")

    initial_create_sell_value = b"1"
    await order_service_kv.put("create_sell", initial_create_sell_value)
    app.context.set_global("create_sell", bool(initial_create_sell_value))

async def after_startup():
    await broker.publish({"order_id": str(uuid4())}, "")