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faststream.redis.message.RedisBatchStreamMessage dataclass #

RedisBatchStreamMessage(raw_message, body, headers=dict(), batch_headers=list(), path=dict(), content_type=None, reply_to='', message_id=gen_cor_id(), correlation_id=gen_cor_id())

Bases: _RedisStreamMessageMixin[BatchStreamMessage]

raw_message instance-attribute #


body instance-attribute #


headers class-attribute instance-attribute #

headers = field(default_factory=dict)

batch_headers class-attribute instance-attribute #

batch_headers = field(default_factory=list)

path class-attribute instance-attribute #

path = field(default_factory=dict)

content_type class-attribute instance-attribute #

content_type = None

reply_to class-attribute instance-attribute #

reply_to = ''

message_id class-attribute instance-attribute #

message_id = field(default_factory=gen_cor_id)

correlation_id class-attribute instance-attribute #

correlation_id = field(default_factory=gen_cor_id)

processed class-attribute instance-attribute #

processed = field(default=False, init=False)

committed class-attribute instance-attribute #

committed = field(default=None, init=False)

decoded_body instance-attribute #


ack async #

ack(redis=None, group=None)
Source code in faststream/redis/
async def ack(
    redis: Optional["Redis[bytes]"] = None,
    group: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    if not self.committed and group is not None and redis is not None:
        ids = self.raw_message["message_ids"]
        channel = self.raw_message["channel"]
        await redis.xack(channel, group, *ids)  # type: ignore[no-untyped-call]
        await super().ack()

nack async #

nack(redis=None, group=None)
Source code in faststream/redis/
async def nack(
    redis: Optional["Redis[bytes]"] = None,
    group: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    await super().nack()

reject async #

reject(redis=None, group=None)
Source code in faststream/redis/
async def reject(
    redis: Optional["Redis[bytes]"] = None,
    group: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    await super().reject()

decode async #


Serialize the message by lazy decoder.

Source code in faststream/broker/
async def decode(self) -> Optional["DecodedMessage"]:
    """Serialize the message by lazy decoder."""
    # TODO: make it lazy after `decoded_body` removed
    return self._decoded_body