RedisLoggingBroker #
Bases: BrokerUsecase[UnifyRedisDict, 'Redis[bytes]']
A class that extends the LoggingMixin class and adds additional functionality for logging Redis related information.
Source code in faststream/redis/broker/
setup #
Prepare all Broker entities to startup.
add_middleware #
Append BrokerMiddleware to the end of middlewares list.
Current middleware will be used as a most inner of already existed ones.
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
subscriber abstractmethod
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
publisher #
include_router #
Includes a router in the current object.
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
include_routers #
start abstractmethod
connect async
Connect to a remote server.
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
setup_subscriber #
Setup the Subscriber to prepare it to starting.
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
setup_publisher #
Setup the Publisher to prepare it to starting.
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
close async
Closes the object.
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
publish async
Publish message directly.
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
request async
Publish message directly.