StreamMessage(*, body, headers, path)
Bases: Request
A class to represent a stream message.
Initialize a class instance.
Source code in faststream/broker/fastapi/
| def __init__(
body: Union["AnyDict", List[Any]],
headers: "AnyDict",
path: "AnyDict",
) -> None:
"""Initialize a class instance."""
self._headers = headers
self._body = body
self._query_params = path
self.scope = {"path_params": self._query_params}
self._cookies = {}
scope instance-attribute
scope = {'path_params': _query_params}
url_for(name, /, **path_params)
Source code in starlette/
| def url_for(self, name: str, /, **path_params: typing.Any) -> URL:
url_path_provider: Router | Starlette | None = self.scope.get("router") or self.scope.get("app")
if url_path_provider is None:
raise RuntimeError("The `url_for` method can only be used inside a Starlette application or with a router.")
url_path = url_path_provider.url_path_for(name, **path_params)
return url_path.make_absolute_url(base_url=self.base_url)
stream async
Source code in starlette/
| async def stream(self) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[bytes, None]:
if hasattr(self, "_body"):
yield self._body
yield b""
if self._stream_consumed:
raise RuntimeError("Stream consumed")
while not self._stream_consumed:
message = await self._receive()
if message["type"] == "http.request":
body = message.get("body", b"")
if not message.get("more_body", False):
self._stream_consumed = True
if body:
yield body
elif message["type"] == "http.disconnect": # pragma: no branch
self._is_disconnected = True
raise ClientDisconnect()
yield b""
body async
Source code in starlette/
| async def body(self) -> bytes:
if not hasattr(self, "_body"):
chunks: list[bytes] = []
async for chunk in
self._body = b"".join(chunks)
return self._body
json async
Source code in starlette/
| async def json(self) -> typing.Any:
if not hasattr(self, "_json"): # pragma: no branch
body = await self.body()
self._json = json.loads(body)
return self._json
max_part_size=1024 * 1024,
Source code in starlette/
| def form(
max_files: int | float = 1000,
max_fields: int | float = 1000,
max_part_size: int = 1024 * 1024,
) -> AwaitableOrContextManager[FormData]:
return AwaitableOrContextManagerWrapper(
self._get_form(max_files=max_files, max_fields=max_fields, max_part_size=max_part_size)
close async
Source code in starlette/
| async def close(self) -> None:
if self._form is not None: # pragma: no branch
await self._form.close()
is_disconnected async
Source code in starlette/
| async def is_disconnected(self) -> bool:
if not self._is_disconnected:
message: Message = {}
# If message isn't immediately available, move on
with anyio.CancelScope() as cs:
message = await self._receive()
if message.get("type") == "http.disconnect":
self._is_disconnected = True
return self._is_disconnected
send_push_promise async
Source code in starlette/
| async def send_push_promise(self, path: str) -> None:
if "http.response.push" in self.scope.get("extensions", {}):
raw_headers: list[tuple[bytes, bytes]] = []
for value in self.headers.getlist(name):
raw_headers.append((name.encode("latin-1"), value.encode("latin-1")))
await self._send({"type": "http.response.push", "path": path, "headers": raw_headers})