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Redis List Publishing with FastStream#

Utilizing the FastStream library, you can effectively publish data to Redis lists, which act as queues in Redis-based messaging systems.

Understanding Redis List Publishing#

Just like with Redis streams, messages can be published to Redis lists. FastStream utilizes the @broker.publisher(...) decorator, along with a list's name, to push messages onto the list.

  1. Instantiate your RedisBroker

    broker = RedisBroker("localhost:6379")
  2. Create your FastStream application with the instantiated RedisBroker

    app = FastStream(broker)
  3. Define a Pydantic model for your data

    class Data(BaseModel):
        data: NonNegativeFloat = Field(
            ..., examples=[0.5], description="Float data example"
  4. Implement a data processing function for publishing to Redis lists

    Use the @broker.publisher(list="...") decorator alongside the @broker.subscriber(list="...") decorator to create a function that processes incoming messages and pushes the results to an output list in Redis.

    async def on_input_data(msg: Data) -> Data:
        return Data( + 1.0)

In this pattern, the function stands as a subscriber to the "input-list" and publishes the processed data as a new message to the "output-list". By using decorators, you establish a pipeline that reads messages from one Redis list, applies some logic, and then pushes outputs to another list.

Full Example of Redis List Publishing#

Here's an example that demonstrates Redis list publishing in action using decorators with FastStream:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, NonNegativeFloat

from faststream import FastStream
from faststream.redis import RedisBroker

class Data(BaseModel):
    data: NonNegativeFloat = Field(
        ..., examples=[0.5], description="Float data example"

broker = RedisBroker("localhost:6379")
app = FastStream(broker)

async def on_input_data(msg: Data) -> Data:
    return Data( + 1.0)

The provided example illustrates the ease of setting up publishing mechanisms to interact with Redis lists. In this environment, messages are dequeued from the input list, processed, and enqueued onto the output list seamlessly, empowering developers to leverage Redis lists as messaging queues.

By following these simple steps, you can perform list-based publish/subscribe operations in a Redis environment using the FastStream library, capitalizing on Redis' fast, in-memory data structure store capabilities.