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Middlewares are a powerful mechanism that allows you to add additional logic to any stage of the message processing pipeline.

This way, you can greatly extend your FastStream application with features such as:

  • Integration with any logging/metrics systems
  • Application-level message serialization logic
  • Rich publishing of messages with extra information
  • And many other capabilities

Middlewares have several methods to override. You can implement some or all of them and use middlewares at the broker, router, or subscriber level. Thus, middlewares are the most flexible FastStream feature.

Message Processing Middleware#

Unfortunately, this powerful feature has a somewhat complex signature too.

Using middlewares, you can wrap the entire message processing pipeline. In this case, you need to specify on_receive and after_processed methods:

from faststream import BaseMiddleware

class MyMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):
    async def on_receive(self):
        print(f"Received: {self.message}")
        return await super().on_receive()

    async def after_processed(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        return await super().after_processed(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)

These methods should be overridden only in a broker-level middlewares.


Also, you can use BaseMiddleware inheritors as router-level dependencies as well(they will be applied only to objects created by this router):



Please always call super() methods at the end of your function; this is important for correct error processing.

Subscriber Middleware#

Subscriber middlewares will be called at your handler function call. Using it, you can patch the incoming message body right before passing it to your consumer subscriber or catch any handler exception by returning a fallback value to publish (the middleware return value will be published then).

In this case, you need to implement the consume_scope middleware method:

from typing import Callable, Awaitable

from faststream import BaseMiddleware
from import StreamMessage

class MyMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):
    async def consume_scope(
        call_next: Callable[[Any], Awaitable[Any]],
        msg: StreamMessage[Any],
    ) -> Any:
        return await call_next(msg)



The msg option always has the already decoded body. To prevent the default json.loads(...) call, you should use a custom decoder instead.

If you want to apply such middleware to a specific subscriber instead of the whole application, you can just create a function with the same signature and pass it right to your subscriber:

async def subscriber_middleware(
    call_next: Callable[[Any], Awaitable[Any]],
    msg: StreamMessage[Any],
) -> Any:
    return await call_next(msg)

async def handler():

Publisher Middlewares#

Finally, using middlewares, you are able to patch outgoing messages too. For example, you can compress/encode outgoing messages at the application level or add custom types serialization logic.

Publisher middlewares can be applied at the broker, router or each publisher level. Broker publisher middlewares affect all the ways to publish something (including broker.publish call).

In this case, you need to specify the publish_scope method:

from typing import Callable, Awaitable

from faststream import BaseMiddleware

class MyMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):
    async def publish_scope(
        call_next: Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]],
        msg: Any,
        **options: Any,
    ) -> Any:
        return await call_next(msg, **options)


This method consumes the message body to send and any other options passing to the publish call (destination. headers, etc).

Also, you can specify middleware for publisher object as well. In this case, you should create a function with the same publish_scope signature and use it as a publisher middleware:

async def publisher_middleware(
    call_next: Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]],
    msg: Any,
    **options: Any,
) -> Any:
    return await call_next(msg, **options)

async def handler():


If you are using publish_batch somewhere in your app, your publisher middleware should consume *msgs option additionally.