faststream.rabbit.router.RabbitRouter #
RabbitRouter(prefix: str = '', handlers: Sequence[RabbitRoute] = (), *, dependencies: Sequence[Depends] = (), middlewares: Sequence[Callable[[IncomingMessage], BaseMiddleware]] | None = None, parser: CustomParser[IncomingMessage, RabbitMessage] | None = None, decoder: CustomDecoder[RabbitMessage] | None = None, include_in_schema: bool = True)
Bases: RabbitRouter
A class representing a RabbitMQ router for publishing messages.
_get_publisher_key | Returns the key for a given Publisher object |
_update_publisher_prefix | Updates the prefix of a given Publisher object |
publisher | Publishes a message to RabbitMQ |
Source code in faststream/rabbit/router.py
include_router #
include_router(router: BrokerRouter[PublisherKeyType, MsgType]) -> None
Includes a router in the current object.
router | The router to be included. TYPE: |
None | None |
Source code in faststream/broker/router.py
include_routers #
include_routers(*routers: BrokerRouter[PublisherKeyType, MsgType]) -> None
Includes routers in the object.
*routers | Variable length argument list of routers to include. TYPE: |
None | None |
Source code in faststream/broker/router.py
publisher #
publisher(queue: RabbitQueue | str = '', exchange: RabbitExchange | str | None = None, *, routing_key: str = '', mandatory: bool = True, immediate: bool = False, timeout: TimeoutType = None, persist: bool = False, reply_to: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, schema: Any | None = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, priority: int | None = None, **message_kwargs: Any) -> Publisher
Publishes a message to a RabbitMQ queue or exchange.
queue | The RabbitMQ queue to publish the message to. Can be either a RabbitQueue object or a string representing the queue name. TYPE: |
exchange | The RabbitMQ exchange to publish the message to. Can be either a RabbitExchange object, a string representing the exchange name, or None. TYPE: |
routing_key | The routing key to use when publishing the message. TYPE: |
mandatory | Whether the message is mandatory or not. TYPE: |
immediate | Whether the message should be delivered immediately or not. TYPE: |
timeout | The timeout for the publish operation. TYPE: |
persist | Whether the message should be persisted or not. TYPE: |
reply_to | The reply-to address for the message. TYPE: |
title | The title of the message (AsyncAPI information). TYPE: |
description | The description of the message (AsyncAPI information). TYPE: |
schema | The schema of the message (AsyncAPI information). TYPE: |
include_in_schema | Whether to include the message in the API specification (AsyncAPI information). TYPE: |
priority | The priority of the message. TYPE: |
**message_kwargs | Additional keyword arguments to include in the message. TYPE: |
Publisher | The Publisher object used to publish the message. |
Source code in faststream/rabbit/router.py
subscriber #
subscriber(queue: str | RabbitQueue, exchange: str | RabbitExchange | None = None, *, consume_args: AnyDict | None = None, reply_config: ReplyConfig | None = None, dependencies: Sequence[Depends] = (), filter: Filter[RabbitMessage] = default_filter, parser: CustomParser[IncomingMessage, RabbitMessage] | None = None, decoder: CustomDecoder[RabbitMessage] | None = None, middlewares: Sequence[Callable[[IncomingMessage], BaseMiddleware]] | None = None, retry: bool | int = False, no_ack: bool = False, title: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, include_in_schema: bool = True, **__service_kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[Callable[P_HandlerParams, T_HandlerReturn]], HandlerCallWrapper[IncomingMessage, P_HandlerParams, T_HandlerReturn]]