faststream.confluent.client.AsyncConfluentProducer #
AsyncConfluentProducer(*, loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None, bootstrap_servers: Union[str, List[str]] = 'localhost', client_id: Optional[str] = None, metadata_max_age_ms: int = 300000, request_timeout_ms: int = 40000, api_version: str = 'auto', acks: Any = _missing, key_serializer: Optional[Callable[[bytes], bytes]] = None, value_serializer: Optional[Callable[[bytes], bytes]] = None, compression_type: Optional[str] = None, max_batch_size: int = 16384, partitioner: str = 'consistent_random', max_request_size: int = 1048576, linger_ms: int = 0, send_backoff_ms: int = 100, retry_backoff_ms: int = 100, security_protocol: str = 'PLAINTEXT', ssl_context: Optional[SSLContext] = None, connections_max_idle_ms: int = 540000, enable_idempotence: bool = False, transactional_id: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, transaction_timeout_ms: int = 60000, sasl_mechanism: Optional[str] = None, sasl_plain_password: Optional[str] = None, sasl_plain_username: Optional[str] = None, sasl_kerberos_service_name: str = 'kafka', sasl_kerberos_domain_name: Optional[str] = None, sasl_oauth_token_provider: Optional[str] = None)
An asynchronous Python Kafka client using the "confluent-kafka" package.
Initializes the AsyncConfluentProducer with the given configuration.
loop | The event loop to use for asynchronous operations. TYPE: |
bootstrap_servers | A list of bootstrap servers for Kafka. |
client_id | A unique identifier for the client. |
metadata_max_age_ms | The maximum age of metadata before a refresh is forced. TYPE: |
request_timeout_ms | The maximum time to wait for a request to complete. TYPE: |
api_version | The Kafka API version to use. TYPE: |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires before considering a request complete. TYPE: |
key_serializer | A callable to serialize the key. |
value_serializer | A callable to serialize the value. |
compression_type | The compression type for message batches. |
max_batch_size | The maximum size of a message batch. TYPE: |
partitioner | The partitioning strategy to use when sending messages. TYPE: |
max_request_size | The maximum size of a request in bytes. TYPE: |
linger_ms | The time to wait before sending a batch in milliseconds. TYPE: |
send_backoff_ms | The time to back off when sending fails. TYPE: |
retry_backoff_ms | The time to back off when a retry is needed. TYPE: |
security_protocol | The security protocol to use. TYPE: |
ssl_context | The SSL context for secure connections. TYPE: |
connections_max_idle_ms | The maximum time a connection can be idle. TYPE: |
enable_idempotence | Whether to enable idempotent producer capabilities. TYPE: |
transactional_id | The transactional ID for transactional delivery. |
transaction_timeout_ms | The maximum time allowed for transactions. TYPE: |
sasl_mechanism | The SASL mechanism to use for authentication. TYPE: |
sasl_plain_password | The password for SASL/PLAIN authentication. |
sasl_plain_username | The username for SASL/PLAIN authentication. |
sasl_kerberos_service_name | The Kerberos service name for SASL/GSSAPI. TYPE: |
sasl_kerberos_domain_name | The Kerberos domain name for SASL/GSSAPI. |
sasl_oauth_token_provider | The OAuth token provider for SASL/OAUTHBEARER. |
ValueError | If the provided bootstrap_servers is not a string or list of strings. |
Source code in faststream/confluent/
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config instance-attribute
config = {'bootstrap.servers': bootstrap_servers, '': client_id, '': metadata_max_age_ms, '': request_timeout_ms, 'acks': acks, 'compression.type': compression_type, 'partitioner': partitioner, 'message.max.bytes': max_request_size, '': linger_ms, 'enable.idempotence': enable_idempotence, '': transactional_id, '': transaction_timeout_ms, '': retry_backoff_ms, 'security.protocol': lower(), '': connections_max_idle_ms, '': sasl_kerberos_service_name}
create_batch #
create_batch() -> BatchBuilder
Creates a batch for sending multiple messages.
BatchBuilder | An instance of BatchBuilder for building message batches. TYPE: |
send async
send(topic: str, value: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None, key: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None, partition: Optional[int] = None, timestamp_ms: Optional[int] = None, headers: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Union[str, bytes]]]] = None) -> None
Sends a single message to a Kafka topic.
topic | The topic to send the message to. TYPE: |
value | The message value. |
key | The message key. |
partition | The partition to send the message to. |
timestamp_ms | The timestamp of the message in milliseconds. |
headers | A list of headers for the message. TYPE: |
Source code in faststream/confluent/
send_batch async
send_batch(batch: BatchBuilder, topic: str, *, partition: Optional[int]) -> None
Sends a batch of messages to a Kafka topic.
batch | The batch of messages to send. TYPE: |
topic | The topic to send the messages to. TYPE: |
partition | The partition to send the messages to. |