BrokerUsecase #
BrokerUsecase(url: Union[str, List[str]], *args: Any, protocol: Optional[str] = None, protocol_version: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[Sequence[Union[Tag, TagDict]]] = None, asyncapi_url: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, apply_types: bool = True, validate: bool = True, logger: Optional[Logger] = access_logger, log_level: int = logging.INFO, log_fmt: Optional[str] = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s', dependencies: Sequence[Depends] = (), middlewares: Optional[Sequence[Callable[[MsgType], BaseMiddleware]]] = None, decoder: Optional[CustomDecoder[StreamMessage[MsgType]]] = None, parser: Optional[CustomParser[MsgType, StreamMessage[MsgType]]] = None, security: Optional[BaseSecurity] = None, **kwargs: Any)
Bases: ABC
, Generic[MsgType, ConnectionType]
, LoggingMixin
A class representing a broker use case.
__init__ | constructor method |
include_router | include a router in the broker |
include_routers | include multiple routers in the broker |
_resolve_connection_kwargs | resolve connection kwargs |
_wrap_handler | wrap a handler function |
_abc_start | start the broker |
_abc_close | close the broker |
_abc__close | close the broker connection |
_process_message | process a message |
subscriber | decorator to register a subscriber |
publisher | register a publisher |
_wrap_decode_message | wrap a message decoding function |
Initialize a broker.
url | The URL or list of URLs to connect to. |
*args | Additional arguments. TYPE: |
protocol | The protocol to use for the connection. |
protocol_version | The version of the protocol. |
description | A description of the broker. |
tags | Tags associated with the broker. |
asyncapi_url | The URL or list of URLs to the AsyncAPI schema. |
apply_types | Whether to apply types to messages. TYPE: |
validate | Whether to cast types using Pydantic validation. TYPE: |
logger | The logger to use. |
log_level | The log level to use. |
log_fmt | The log format to use. TYPE: |
dependencies | Dependencies of the broker. TYPE: |
middlewares | Middlewares to use. TYPE: |
decoder | Custom decoder for messages. TYPE: |
parser | Custom parser for messages. TYPE: |
security | Security scheme to use. TYPE: |
**kwargs | Additional keyword arguments. TYPE: |
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
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middlewares instance-attribute
middlewares: Sequence[Callable[[Any], BaseMiddleware]] = [CriticalLogMiddleware(logger, log_level), *midd_args]
include_router #
include_router(router: BrokerRouter[Any, MsgType]) -> None
Includes a router in the current object.
router | The router to be included. TYPE: |
None | None |
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
include_routers #
include_routers(*routers: BrokerRouter[Any, MsgType]) -> None
Includes routers in the current object.
*routers | Variable length argument list of routers to include. TYPE: |
None | None |
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
publisher abstractmethod
publisher(key: Any, publisher: BasePublisher[MsgType]) -> BasePublisher[MsgType]
Publishes a publisher.
key | The key associated with the publisher. TYPE: |
publisher | The publisher to be published. TYPE: |
BasePublisher[MsgType] | The published publisher. |
NotImplementedError | If the method is not implemented. |
Source code in faststream/broker/core/
subscriber abstractmethod
subscriber(*broker_args: Any, retry: Union[bool, int] = False, dependencies: Sequence[Depends] = (), decoder: Optional[CustomDecoder[StreamMessage[MsgType]]] = None, parser: Optional[CustomParser[MsgType, StreamMessage[MsgType]]] = None, middlewares: Optional[Sequence[Callable[[StreamMessage[MsgType]], BaseMiddleware]]] = None, filter: Filter[StreamMessage[MsgType]] = lambda m: not m.processed, _raw: bool = False, _get_dependant: Optional[Any] = None, **broker_kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[Union[Callable[P_HandlerParams, T_HandlerReturn], HandlerCallWrapper[MsgType, P_HandlerParams, T_HandlerReturn]]], HandlerCallWrapper[MsgType, P_HandlerParams, T_HandlerReturn]]
This is a function decorator for subscribing to a message broker.
*broker_args | Positional arguments to be passed to the broker. TYPE: |
retry | Whether to retry the subscription if it fails. Can be a boolean or an integer specifying the number of retries. |
dependencies | Sequence of dependencies to be injected into the handler function. TYPE: |
decoder | Custom decoder function to decode the message. TYPE: |
parser | Custom parser function to parse the decoded message. TYPE: |
middlewares | Sequence of middleware functions to be applied to the message. TYPE: |
filter | Filter function to filter the messages to be processed. TYPE: |
_raw | Whether to return the raw message instead of the processed message. TYPE: |
_get_dependant | Optional parameter to get the dependant object. |
**broker_kwargs | Keyword arguments to be passed to the broker. TYPE: |
Callable[[Union[Callable[P_HandlerParams, T_HandlerReturn], HandlerCallWrapper[MsgType, P_HandlerParams, T_HandlerReturn]]], HandlerCallWrapper[MsgType, P_HandlerParams, T_HandlerReturn]] | A callable object that can be used as a decorator for a handler function. |
RuntimeWarning | If the broker is already running. |