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Custom Decoder#

At this stage, the body of a StreamMessage is transformed into the format that it will take when it enters your handler function. This stage is the one you will need to redefine more often.


The original decoder function has a relatively simple signature (this is a simplified version):

from faststream.types import DecodedMessage
from faststream.kafka import KafkaMessage

def decoder(msg: KafkaMessage) -> DecodedMessage:
from faststream.types import DecodedMessage
from faststream.rabbit import RabbitMessage

def decoder(msg: RabbitMessage) -> DecodedMessage:
from faststream.types import DecodedMessage
from faststream.nats import NatsMessage

def decoder(msg: NatsMessage) -> DecodedMessage:
from faststream.types import DecodedMessage
from faststream.redis import RedisMessage

def decoder(msg: RedisMessage) -> DecodedMessage:

Alternatively, you can reuse the original decoder function with the following signature:

from types import Callable, Awaitable
from faststream.types import DecodedMessage
from faststream.kafka import KafkaMessage

async def decoder(
    msg: KafkaMessage,
    original_decoder: Callable[[KafkaMessage], Awaitable[DecodedMessage]],
) -> DecodedMessage:
    return await original_decoder(msg)
from types import Callable, Awaitable
from faststream.types import DecodedMessage
from faststream.rabbit import RabbitMessage

async def decoder(
    msg: RabbitMessage,
    original_decoder: Callable[[RabbitMessage], Awaitable[DecodedMessage]],
) -> DecodedMessage:
    return await original_decoder(msg)
from types import Callable, Awaitable
from faststream.types import DecodedMessage
from faststream.nats import NatsMessage

async def decoder(
    msg: NatsMessage,
    original_decoder: Callable[[NatsMessage], Awaitable[DecodedMessage]],
) -> DecodedMessage:
    return await original_decoder(msg)
from types import Callable, Awaitable
from faststream.types import DecodedMessage
from faststream.redis import RedisMessage

async def decoder(
    msg: RedisMessage,
    original_decoder: Callable[[RedisMessage], Awaitable[DecodedMessage]],
) -> DecodedMessage:
    return await original_decoder(msg)


The original decoder is always an asynchronous function, so your custom decoder should also be asynchronous.

Afterward, you can set this custom decoder at the broker or subscriber level.


You can find examples of Protobuf, Msgpack and Avro serialization in the next article.