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StreamMessage #

Bases: ABCStreamMessage[Msg]

A generic class to represent a stream message.

body instance-attribute #

body: Union[bytes, Any]

committed class-attribute instance-attribute #

committed: bool = field(default=False, init=False)

content_type class-attribute instance-attribute #

content_type: Optional[str] = None

correlation_id class-attribute instance-attribute #

correlation_id: str = field(
    default_factory=lambda: str(uuid4())

decoded_body class-attribute instance-attribute #

decoded_body: Optional[DecodedMessage] = None

headers class-attribute instance-attribute #

headers: AnyDict = field(default_factory=dict)

message_id class-attribute instance-attribute #

message_id: str = field(
    default_factory=lambda: str(uuid4())

path class-attribute instance-attribute #

path: AnyDict = field(default_factory=dict)

processed class-attribute instance-attribute #

processed: bool = field(default=False, init=False)

raw_message instance-attribute #

raw_message: Msg

reply_to class-attribute instance-attribute #

reply_to: str = ''

ack async #

ack(**kwargs: Any) -> None
Source code in faststream/broker/
async def ack(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    self.committed = True

nack async #

nack(**kwargs: Any) -> None
Source code in faststream/broker/
async def nack(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    self.committed = True

reject async #

reject(**kwargs: Any) -> None
Source code in faststream/broker/
async def reject(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    self.committed = True