The Topic Exchange is a powerful RabbitMQ routing tool. This type of exchange sends messages to the queue in accordance with the pattern specified when they are connected to exchange and the routing_key of the message itself.
At the same time, if several consumers are subscribed to the queue, messages will be distributed among them.
@broker.subscriber(queue_1,exch)asyncdefbase_handler1(logger:Logger)"base_handler1")@broker.subscriber(queue_1,exch)# another serviceasyncdefbase_handler2(logger:Logger)"base_handler2")@broker.subscriber(queue_2,exch)asyncdefbase_handler3(logger:Logger)"base_handler3")
handler1 and handler2 are subscribed to the same exchange using the same queue: within a single service, this does not make sense, since messages will come to these handlers in turn. Here we emulate the work of several consumers and load balancing between them.