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Basic Subscriber#

If you know nothing about RabbitMQ and how it works, you will still able to use FastStream RabbitBroker.

Just use the @broker.subscriber(...) method with a string as a routing key.

from faststream import FastStream
from faststream.rabbit import RabbitBroker

broker = RabbitBroker()
app = FastStream(broker)

@broker.subscriber("routing_key")  # handle messages by routing key
async def handle(msg):

async def test_publish():
    await broker.publish(
        "routing_key",  # publish message with routing key

This is the principle all FastStream brokers work by: you don't need to learn them in-depth if you want to just send a message.

RabbitMQ Details#

If you are already familiar with RabbitMQ logic, you should also be acquainted with the inner workings of the example mentioned above.

In this case, FastStream either creates or validates a queue with a specified routing_key and binds it to the default RabbitMQ exchange.

If you want to specify a queue-exchange pair with additional arguments, FastStream provides you with the ability to do so. You can use special RabbitQueue and RabbitExchange objects to configure RabbitMQ queues, exchanges, and binding properties. For examples of using various types of exchanges, please refer to the following articles.

Last update: 2023-10-02