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Using Cookiecutter FastStream Template#

Cookiecutter FastStream is a versatile repository that provides a solid foundation for your Python projects. It comes with a basic application, testing infrastructure, linting scripts, and various development tools to kickstart your development process. Whether you're building a new application from scratch or want to enhance an existing one, this template will save you time and help you maintain high code quality.


  • Basic Application: Cookiecutter FastStream includes a basic Python application as a starting point for your project. You can easily replace it with your own code.

  • Testing Framework: We've set up pytest for running unit tests. Write your tests in the tests directory and use the provided workflow for automated testing.

  • Linting: Keep your code clean and consistent with linting tools. The repository includes linting scripts and configurations for mypy, black, ruff and bandit

  • Docker Support: The included Dockerfile allows you to containerize your FastStream application. Build and run your application in a containerized environment with ease.

  • Dependency Management: All application requirements and development dependencies are specified in the pyproject.toml file. This includes not only your project's dependencies but also configurations for various tools like pytest, mypy, black, ruff, and bandit.

  • Continuous Integration (CI): Cookiecutter FastStream comes with three GitHub Actions workflows under the .github/workflows directory:

  • Static Analysis and Testing: This workflow consists of two jobs. The first job runs static analysis tools (mypy and bandit) to check your code for potential issues. If successful, the second job runs pytest to execute your test suite.

  • Docker Build and Push: This workflow automates the process of building a Docker image for your FastStream application and pushing it to the GitHub Container Registry.

  • AsyncAPI Documentation: The third workflow builds AsyncAPI documentation for your FastStream application and deploys it to GitHub Pages. This is useful for documenting your API and making it accessible to others.

Getting Started#

To set up your development environment, follow these steps:

  1. Install the cookiecutter package using the following command:

    pip install cookiecutter

  2. Run the provided cookiecutter command and fill out the relevant details to generate a new FastStream project:

    The following screenshot illustrates the process of creating a new FastStream app with Kafka using the above command:using-cookiecutter-faststream

  3. Change the working directory to the newly created directory:

    cd <directory-name>

    NOTE: Replace <directory-name> with the name of your directory.

  4. Install all development requirements using pip:

    pip install -e ".[dev]"

  5. Create a new repository for our FastStream app on GitHub.creating-new-github-repo

  6. Add all the files, commit and push using the following commands:

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "first commit"
    git branch -M main
    git remote add origin<username>/<repo-name>.git
    git push -u origin main

    NOTE: Replace <username> with your GitHub username and <repo-name> with the name of your repository in the above commands.


The application code is located in the app/ directory. You can add new features or fix bugs in this directory. However, remember that code changes must be accompanied by corresponding updates to the tests located in the tests/ directory.

Running Tests#

Once you have updated tests, you can execute the tests using pytest:


Running FastStream Application Locally#

To run the FastStream application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Kafka Docker container locally using the provided script:


  2. Start the FastStream application with the following command:

    faststream run <directory-name>.application:app --workers 1

    NOTE: Replace <directory-name> with the directory that is automatically generated from the project slug name and contains the file.

  3. You can now send messages to the Kafka topic and can test the application. Optionally, if you want to view messages in a topic, you can subscribe to it using the provided script:

    ./scripts/ <topic_name>

  4. To stop the FastStream application, press Ctrl+C.

  5. Finally, stop the Kafka Docker container by running the script:


Building and Testing Docker Image Locally#

If you'd like to build and test the Docker image locally, follow these steps:

  1. Run the provided script to build the Docker image locally. Use the following command:

    ./scripts/ <username> <repo-name>
    This script will build the Docker image locally with the same name as the one built in CI.

  2. Before starting the Docker container, ensure that a Kafka Docker container is running locally. You can start it using the provided script:


  3. Once Kafka is up and running, you can start the local Docker container using the following command:

    docker run --rm --name faststream-app --net=host<username>/<repo-name>:latest
    --rm: This flag removes the container once it stops running, ensuring that it doesn't clutter your system with unused containers. --name faststream-app: Assigns a name to the running container, in this case, "faststream-app". --net=host: This flag allows the Docker container to share the host's network namespace.

  4. To stop the local Docker container, simply press Ctrl+C in your terminal.

  5. Finally, stop the Kafka Docker container by running the provided script:


NOTE: Replace <username> with your GitHub username and <repo-name> with the name of your repository in the above commands.

Code Linting#

After making changes to the code, it's essential to ensure it adheres to coding standards. We provide a script to help you with code formatting and linting. Run the following script to automatically fix linting issues:


Static Analysis#

Static analysis tools mypy and bandit can help identify potential issues in your code. To run static analysis, use the following script:


If there are any static analysis errors, resolve them in your code and rerun the script until it passes successfully.

Viewing AsyncAPI Documentation#

FastStream framework supports AsyncAPI documentation. To ensure that your changes are reflected in the AsyncAPI documentation, follow these steps:

  1. Run the following command to view the AsyncAPI documentation:

    faststream docs serve <directory-name>.application:app
    This command builds the AsyncAPI specification file, generates AsyncAPI documentation based on the specification, and serves it at localhost:8000.

    NOTE: Replace <directory-name> with the directory that is automatically generated from the project slug name and contains the file.

  2. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to view the AsyncAPI documentation reflecting your changes.

  3. To stop the AsyncAPI documentation server, press Ctrl+C.


Once you have successfully completed all the above steps, you are ready to contribute your changes:

  1. Add and commit your changes:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Your commit message"

  2. Push your changes to GitHub:

    git push origin your-branch

  3. Create a merge request on GitHub.

Continuous Integration (CI)#

This repository is equipped with GitHub Actions that automate static analysis and pytest in the CI pipeline. Even if you forget to perform any of the required steps, CI will catch any issues before merging your changes.

This repository has three workflows, each triggered when code is pushed:

  1. Tests Workflow: This workflow is named "Tests" and consists of two jobs. The first job runs static analysis tools mypy and bandit to identify potential issues in the codebase. The second job runs tests using pytest to ensure the functionality of the application. Both jobs run simultaneously to expedite the CI process.

  2. Build Docker Image Workflow: This workflow is named "Build Docker Image" and has one job. In this job, a Docker image is built based on the provided Dockerfile. The built image is then pushed to the GitHub Container Registry, making it available for deployment or other purposes.

  3. Deploy FastStream AsyncAPI Docs Workflow: The final workflow is named "Deploy FastStream AsyncAPI Docs" and also consists of a single job. In this job, the AsyncAPI documentation is built from the specification, and the resulting documentation is deployed to GitHub Pages. This allows for easy access and sharing of the AsyncAPI documentation with the project's stakeholders.

Viewing AsyncAPI Documentation Hosted at GitHub Pages#

After the Deploy FastStream AsyncAPI Docs workflow in CI has been successfully completed, the AsyncAPI documentation is automatically deployed to GitHub Pages. This provides a convenient way to access and share the documentation with project stakeholders.

To view the deployed AsyncAPI documentation, open your web browser and navigate to the following URL:


NOTE: Replace <username> with your GitHub username and <repo-name> with the name of your repository.

You will be directed to the GitHub Pages site where your AsyncAPI documentation is hosted. This hosted documentation allows you to easily share your AsyncAPI specifications with others and provides a centralized location for reviewing the AsyncAPI documentation.

Deploying Docker Container#

Once the Build Docker Image workflow in CI has successfully completed, the built Docker image is pushed to the GitHub Container Registry. You can then deploy this image on your server by following these steps:

  1. Pull the Docker image from the GitHub Container Registry to your server using the following command:

    docker pull<username>/<repo-name>:latest

    NOTE: Replace <username> with your GitHub username and <repo-name> with the name of your repository.

  2. After successfully pulling the image, start the Docker container using the following command:

    docker run --rm --name faststream-app --env-file /path/to/env-file<username>/<repo-name>:latest
    --rm: This flag removes the container once it stops running, ensuring that it doesn't clutter your system with unused containers. --name faststream-app: Assigns a name to the running container, in this case, "faststream-app". --env-file /path/to/env-file: Specifies the path to an environment file (commonly a .env file) that contains environment variables required by your FastStream application. Storing secrets and configuration in an environment file is a secure and best practice for handling sensitive information such as Kafka host, port, and authentication details.

By following these steps, you can easily deploy your FastStream application as a Docker container on your server. Remember to customize the env-file and other environment variables as needed to suit your specific application requirements.

Last update: 2023-11-13