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nats.js.api.DeliverPolicy #

Bases: str, Enum

When a consumer is first created, it can specify where in the stream it wants to start receiving messages.

This is the DeliverPolicy, and this enumeration defines allowed values.

  • Consumers, DeliverPolicy/OptStartSeq/OptStartTime <>_

ALL class-attribute instance-attribute #

ALL = 'all'

BY_START_SEQUENCE class-attribute instance-attribute #

BY_START_SEQUENCE = 'by_start_sequence'

BY_START_TIME class-attribute instance-attribute #

BY_START_TIME = 'by_start_time'

LAST class-attribute instance-attribute #

LAST = 'last'

LAST_PER_SUBJECT class-attribute instance-attribute #

LAST_PER_SUBJECT = 'last_per_subject'

NEW class-attribute instance-attribute #

NEW = 'new'

Last update: 2023-11-13